Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design
Charles Eames

Màtrencada is an small industrial design and product development studio located in Barcelona’s Poble Nou, capable to develop projects from an initial idea to its final production. We think about conceptual and technical solutions so that a product can be created.

Since 2015 our goal is to be an asset to companies that provides functionality, productivity, and beauty to products. We seek functionality and design of industrial products by planning, coordinating and managing all those elements combined in the product creation process and its final use.

Màtrencada has successfully collaborated in the development of new designs and strategies for a wide range of products. We specialise in furniture, household appliances, consumer electronics, medical devices, lighting, toys, mobility and facilities.


We have a great capacity to communicate with clients and we are confident that this is the strength to develop a good product design together with our different working methods. We have the skills to adapt resources to multiple ways of working, offering creative, technical, innovative and competitive solutions.

Màtrencada was created by Guiu Llusà, an industrial designer with a degree from the Escuela Superior de Diseño earned in 2001 and in 2012 (official degree). He began working in 2001 with Martín Azúa and in 2002 he joined Estudi Blanc with Pau Joan Vidal, Joan Antoni Blanc and Oriol Blanc. In 2005 he was part of the design team of Lluscà Design under the guidance of Josep Lluscà. In 2008 he stablished on his own, leading several local design projects. He has been a professor at Escola Superior de Disseny, ESDi teaching materials, drawing and projects courses for product design students. He has tutored ADI medal-winning projects as Roc Miranda’s, plow 2.7 and Mireia Mesalles’ Minial in 2018.

Guiu Llusà

Industrial Designer, Màtrencada founder

Founder and Head of Màtrencada, he conceived the studio in 2015. He manages all the projects, designs and also works as a 3d modeler.